Writing for Profit Tutorial: Still Not Convinced It's Right For You?

Your writing query remains unanswered? Then perhaps you entered this web site hoping to find a tutorial on writing for profit in some other genre. Perhaps it was fiction or magazine contribution.

Then consider this:

These are difficult genres to break into without a track record but getting published in niche non-fiction is much easier - when you know how. And when you do know how and meet with success you automatically open the doors to publication in other genres such as fiction and magazines. I know, I've done it, and I've added a string of published fiction titles to my bow together with regular contributions to popular magazines - and all because my quantifiable non-fiction list enables my submissions to get read and appraised by commissioning editors. It's a bit like applying for an equity card. You cannot achieve publication without a track record and you cannot get a track record until you become published.

Invest a few dollars in my tutorial and get on the fast track to publication in the genres of your choice.

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You don't like using your credit card online and it costs me to process CC orders. Here's the deal - and it nets you a 30% discount.

Send $16 in dollar bills or pay by personal check.

Send £7 in cash or pay by personal cheque/postal order.

Jim Green
Suite 2/1
20 Crofthead Street
United Kingdom
G71 7LB

Make your non-cash payment in favour of 'J F GREEN' and include your email address on a separate piece of paper. I will send you the tutorial as an email attachment immediately on receipt of your remittance.

Decided After All to Use Your Credit Card for the Writing for Profit Tutorial? Then Click Here...