This Creative Writing Course Contains 160 Compelling Signposts

This is no ‘flip and skip’ tutorial. It is a pragmatic creative writing course containing 160 compelling signposts to success in writing for profit. These signposts are designed to help you locate an extra income idea from your own expertise, an idea which will cascade into an ever-perpetuating residual income stream. You will find yourself constantly referring back and forth between these markers in your journey to proficiency. This will prove no hardship because the electronic format facilitates for effortless switching from one topic to another, from beginning to end.


Mastering the mental blocks
So you've never ever written anything creative?
So you've tried and tried again without success?
Determining your propensity for creating niche non-fiction
Why writing part time works best for some authors
What you will gain from consistent application writing for profit
Why persistence pays off in the end
What's in it for you when you invest in this creative writing course
Writers Ink


Implanting essential disciplines
Deciding the workspace for your extra income opportunity
Allocating time to write
Evaluating basic skills required to make money writing
The tools you will need writing for profit
Cashing in on introspection to create a residual income stream
Cultivating innate intuition
Grasping ideas as they occur
Why enjoying your own company produces better work
Considering your writing as a part time business
Writers Ink


Incorporating bestselling potential into niche non-fiction
The little known secret to controlling the floodgates
Uncovering the elusive ingredient to make money writing
Developing your own slant on a prescribed topic
Adopting proven formatting techniques
Creating a distinctive writing style for your extra income idea
What impresses commissioning editors
Writers Ink


Choosing a topic to start you off
What attracts people to works of non-fiction?
Passive v active participation uncovered in creative writing course
Self-help books & how-to guides are always in demand
Establishing the depth of your knowledge
Confirming its validity and expanding on the information
Testing the potential for longevity in your chosen topic
Surveying other people's produce
Why not to be dismayed if your topic is already covered
Converting your expertise into a teaching module
Writers Ink


Researching your first project
Charting the route before you research
How to conduct intensive research online
Niche researching mapped out in creative writing course
Centralising the accumulated data
Positioning your findings in sequential order
Putting your subconscious to work
Sketching the initial outline for your extra income opportunity
Why you should never dispose of research material
Writers Ink


Planning ahead for fulfilment
Managing your time to speed the process of writing for profit
Opening separate files for every aspect of the project
Why those working notes are your stock-in-trade
Why good authoring resources are essential
How many words? - How many chapters?
How draft copy helps to shape the final product
Developing a definitive title for your book
Writers Ink


Structuring the list of contents
Why you should complete this before you write anything
Matching the sequence to your research findings
Creating chapter headings, subheads and sub-subheads
Visualising energy with verbs highlighted in creative writing course
Letting every line introduce its own story
Writers Ink


Capitalising on the amazing power of words
20 questions before you start the creative process
Writing niche non-fiction that attracts self-help publishers
Why bulleting key words and phrases stimulates interest
Using magnetic verbs to create action
Commanding the subconscious
Using subheads to catch quick readers
Creating mental movies in the reader’s mind
Educate, inform and motivate the reader
The WIIFM question and why you must address it
Becoming the person you want to influence
Why simple words and short sentences work best
The power of speaking with authority
Don’t bore the reader - be bold, dramatic, exciting
Avoid over-egging the clichés
Writer's block and how to cope with it
Writers Ink


How to top and tail your book and why
What the prospect reads first after the title
Capturing the reader's immediate attention
Composing a spellbinding preface for your extra income idea
Crystallizing the essence of your text on the back cover
How testimonials power up interest
Why you should only use highly qualified endorsements
Writers Ink


Locating an appropriate publisher
Matching your output to publishing profiles
Researching the marketplace revealed in creative writing course
Where to find 1000s of non-fiction publishers online
Researching submission prerequisites
How to prepare a proposal for acceptance
When to submit your proposal
Why you should never submit the entire manuscript
Why multiple submissions are a no-no
What to ensure before you sign a contract
Retaining the copyright and other valuable rights
Addressing the author questionnaire
Writers Ink


Setting up your own dedicated web site
Why you should do this following publication
How to make the Internet work for you
The value of a good web site for the author
What to include in your site pages
Creating your own web site is a breeze with Solo Build It!
Learning to promote your site
Other ways to promote your work on the Internet
Writers Ink


Selling through online outlets
Using online as an alternative
Using online as both alternative and adjunct
How one part time author produced an online bestseller
How to grade online publishing options
Marketing your produce as e-books
How to sell e-book produce
Writers Ink


Reviewing your overall earning potential
Negotiating an advance for your extra income idea
How the royalty system produces incremental income
Increasing your earnings from rights and translations
PLR and how to ensure you profit by it
Attracting additional streams of incremental income
Putting yourself around as a platform speaker
Contributing articles to magazines and periodicals
Attracting assignments as a book reviewer
Are you ready to bite the bullet?
Writers Ink


Anatomy of a bestselling self-help book
20 point plan for the perfect structure
The power of the longevity uncovered in creative writing course
Empowering the title to sell the product
Making sure your information is factual
Research thoroughly or risk reader rejection
Why what you claim must be quantifiable
Why structured formatting is essential
Progressive sequencing adds credence to your reasoning
Informative and interesting dialogue works best
Easy to read text draws the reader closer
Clear and concise wins the prize
Motivating the reader to participate by inspiring action
Practical instruction outstrips theory
Propensity for updating and multiple editions
Prefacing your work
Glossary of terms
Selling from the front cover
Selling off the back


Signing off
20 Qualities that distinguish the bestselling author
How to handle fear of rejection
Where to look first for your more ways to make extra income

Creative Writing Course - Get the Facts!